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High frequency transfor體腦mer series
Magnetic ring
I-shaped ind會習uctance
Magnet inductance
Magnetic beads
common mode choke
Air core coil區購
Color ring inducto山務r
Chip inductor serie謝門s
Mid-circle coil
Low frequency powe刀鄉r transformer
Charging power子麗
E-mail: fengcl@126.com朋懂

product name:RM明關10
Product introduc放南tion:
I. RM10 high frequency T商要ransformer size ex你那terior map(in mm)
Trade name |
Type |
Skeleton Style |
L |
W |
H |
1 side PIN(PIN distance術城) |
2 side PIN(PIN dis爸線tance) |
Rounding |
PIN Trail |
RM10-01 |
vertical |
I |
31.0 |
29.0 |
20.0 |
6 |
3.5 |
6 |
3.5 |
25.2 |
Φ0.6 |
RM10-02 |
vertical |
II |
30.0 |
38.5 |
20.0 |
6 |
3.8 |
6 |
3.8 |
28.0 |
Φ0.6 |
The above is the 筆長company's comm花東only used skeleton style美金, other styles房長 are not included唱刀 in the list, welco些答me to consult. 視呢The company can cust姐為omize the RM10也物 high frequency Tr鄉妹ansformers of vario腦生us specifica雨船tions according to火紙 customer requirements.友如
II. Performance of 那懂HF Transformers
1. Operating frequency: 費費20 kHz-500 K快河Hz
2. Output power: 30 t美服o 100 W
3. Operating temperatu子理re: -40 °C to +125 °請睡C
4. Storage temperatu書會re: -25 °C to +8都兵5 °C
5. Storage humidit電日y: 30 to 95 %
III. Charact著煙eristics of RM10 說煙high frequency Tr機笑ansformers
The RM10 high frequenc大開y Transformer has 體可the characteristics 間內of small size,計雜 cheap price and h動秒igh reliabili金不ty. The RM10 Transforme道友r is a new type of ferr學木ite core Transfor好訊mer designed to m黃熱eet the requir河醫ements of mode多器rn switching費林 power Transform拍房ers. Its magnetic信林 core tightly wraps the 離她wire package into it, m學明aking the transfo讀討rmer leakage sensitivi車河ty as small a在綠s possible, EMI p外筆erformance i子場s the best, and radiatio外子n is minimal.在短 And it can meet 那票the requirement腦爸s of reducing copper and農行 iron damage of switchi秒美ng power supply Transfo喝到rmers working at high 商道frequency, and can al場黑so meet the 但新requirements of switchi數煙ng power supply in 紙她terms of temper費員ature rise. The over著是all volume of the power妹農 supply can be reduce行看d as much as pos老還sible, which is c要通onducive to 影地miniaturizati身議on. Its circu如老lar center colu器要mn makes the winding e書熱asier, the capacity of 離話the wire package 我火is increased, and t北店he lead end of th廠公e skeleton ma就他kes the product i人謝nstallation very reliab路窗le. It is suitabl要錢e for switching power su輛金pplies and dampening 藍遠coils. It is a t大兒ransformer mod民子el with exce做刀llent performance. 民業However, the話區 disadvantage is暗關 that the cost 對資is slightly higher and t不高he processing proc朋請ess is more com呢機plicated tha歌什n other Transformers.
IV. Applicati知唱on of RM10 high frequen音跳cy Transformer
RM10 high-frequen聽跳cy Transform個森ers are commonly 坐空used in DC-DC conve的內rters, drive Transfor長是mers, digital products, 中湖and XDSL Tra樂公nsformers.
V. RM10 high f媽紅requency Transformer 我了price
The price range o月近f RM10 high-frequency Tr年科ansformers is genera見國lly between 5.5-7 .5 紙報yuan(RMB). The 電音price mainly d司可epends on the complex購又ity of the product, the謝照 customer's requireme藍地nts for raw 好司materials, a厭店nd whether or&n相腦bsp;not it requ腦她ires safety certi見土fication.