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High frequency t開間ransformer serie業林s
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Mid-circle coil
Low frequency p銀站ower transforme區還r
Charging power
E-mail: fengcl少要

product name:PQ2到美620
Product introduction:
I. PQ2620 Hig不坐h-frequency Transform為什er size exterior map(in站木 mm)
Trade name |
Type |
Skeleton Style |
L |
W |
H |
1 side PIN(P費科IN distance) |
2 side PIN(PIN dista跳裡nce) |
Rounding |
PIN Trail |
PQ2620 |
vertical |
Ⅱ |
28.0 |
31.0 |
22.0 |
6 |
3.8 |
6 |
3.8 |
25.4 |
Φ0.6 |
The above is t好什he company's 關頻commonly used skeleton月區 style, other style匠拍s are not included in明森 the list, wel資煙come to consult. Our c話筆ompany can customize the笑筆 high frequency店舊 Transformer with v來快arious specifications P費能Q2620 accord舞從ing to customer require能友ments.
II. Performance件弟 of high freq兒間uency Transf廠弟ormer PQ2620
1. Operating frequency:如日 20 kHz-500 KHz
2. Output power: 10 笑輛to 1000 W
3. Operating temperatu大風re: -40 °C to 腦放+180 °C
4. Storage temperature:白和 -25 °C to +85 內跳°C
5. Storage h身熱umidity: 30 to 遠長95 %
3. Features of High都技 Frequency Transforme區會r PQ2620
The high frequenc多商y PQ2620 Tra師秒nsformer has the cha小近racteristics新著 of tight structur報火e, high power, 機森moderate price, and hig事事h reliabilit習睡y. The core o那為f the high fre照音quency Transformer照銀 of the PQ ty票要pe is an ferrite習友 core designed to meet答都 the requirements of 是音the new swit理學ch power supply. Its sh理暗ape can meet the慢書 requirements什空 for reducin城低g copper and ir請業on losses of the s綠銀witch power transformer 時慢operating at high f窗年requencies. It 有票can also adapt to 跳低the requiremen站從ts of the swi她那tching power 鄉妹supply in terms of tem吧長perature rise; Its 聽聽circular center美腦 column makes winding現服 easier, the又鄉 capacity of the wir什靜e envelope increas子請es, and the skeleton le舊月ad end makes the prod弟電uct installation very re訊音liable, suitable for上術 switching power su厭身pplies and damper 做近coils.
IV. Applicat離不ion of high frequency 站在Transformer PQ筆花2620
The PQ2620 high-frequenc懂快y Transformer 雨地is commonly used白分 in Transformer, 去通DC-DC converter,市照 drive Transformer, no年人tebook power supply, inv多雪erter power supp暗是ly, UPS power supply, an動吃d communication power 作街supply for electric 刀務vehicle chargers.
V. PQ2620 High哥工 frequency Tr拿外ansformer pr南笑ice
The price range of th公線e high frequency PQ喝舞2620 Transformer is工子 generally between 2.8 討輛and 4.9 yuan(RMB). The 文習price mainly de唱秒pends on the complexity 厭河of the product, th紙見e customer's r玩著equirements for 錯技raw materials, and whe家新ther it requires safe了謝ty certification.