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High frequency tran姐科sformer series
Magnetic ring
I-shaped inductance
Magnet inductance
Magnetic bea為開ds
common mode choke
Air core coil
Color ring inductor
Chip inductor series樹信
Mid-circle co科聽il
Low frequenc現但y power transformer
Charging power
E-mail: fengc湖月

product name鄉動:EP13
Product introduction:新關

Trade name |
Type |
Skeleton Style |
L |
W |
H |
1 side PIN(PIN嗎舞 distance) |
2 side PIN(PI好農N distance) |
Rounding |
PIN Trail |
EP13-01 |
horizontal type |
Ⅰ |
15.0 |
14.5 |
13.5 |
5 |
2.5 |
5 |
2.5 |
10.0 |
Φ0.5 |
EP13-02 |
horizontal type |
II |
14.0 |
14.0 |
12.8 |
5 |
2.5 |
5 |
2.5 |
17.1 |
Φ0.7 |
II. EP13 High-fr什我equency Transformer perf時制ormance
1. Operating fre下相quency: 20 kHz-500 下綠KHz
2. Output powe服西r: 5.0 to 15.離跳0 W
3. Operating t黃她emperature: -40 °C to +些老125 °C
4. Storage temperature個雨: -25 °C to +85 °C
5. Storage humidity: 30熱老 to 95 %
3. Features of EP13 H吧關igh-frequency Trans亮會formers
The EP13 high-frequency師關 Transformer has the器照 characteristics of sma用畫ll size, cheap pric都紅e, and high re間唱liability. T行朋he EP Transform裡器er is a high-近水performance h我謝igh-frequenc我書y Transforme黑信r. It not only has a動吃 small memory媽煙 and a large 得間power, but also b跳紙ecause most of his w區他ire packets are shield吃藍ed by magneti說銀c cores, his 喝紅anti-interference秒些 ability and anti-radia費弟tion performance來用 are very high. At 那房the same tim城劇e, due to this 員機shield, Its leakage s花視ensitivity and 朋兒EMI parameters are also體他 very good, and are s的人uitable for 離友electronic cir見鐘cuits such as switch pow外站er supplies with very 資火high requirements.
IV. The Appli船腦cation of EE13 High Fr愛筆equency Transformer
EP13 high-freq器術uency Transf生雪ormers are c市愛ommonly used in di亮看gital camera power Tr黃那ansformers, DC-DC conve花服rters, drive Tr藍司ansformers, switch pow科草er common mode induct街是ors, and XDSL T刀山ransformers.
V. EP13 High Fre公制quency Transfo看務rmer Price
The price range of EP1明不3 high-frequency Tr外林ansformers is g如筆enerally betwee近自n 1.5-2 .8 yuan(RMB).筆很 The price mainl門如y depends on the compl少數exity of the product,放光 the customer's re快暗quirements for 讀計raw materials, and低技 whether or&nbs草光p;not it requires sa畫路fety certifi花鐵cation.