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High frequency trans廠國former series
Magnetic ring風下
I-shaped induct聽會ance
Magnet inductanc電藍e
Magnetic beads
common mode 商錢choke
Air core coil但土
Color ring indu如著ctor
Chip inductor series
Mid-circle coil
Low frequency power tran黑裡sformer
Charging power
E-mail: fengc器湖

product name:EE25
Product intr呢錢oduction:
I. EE25 High Freque舊花ncy Transformer Size們數 Appearance 是們Chart(in mm)
Trade name |
Type |
Skeleton Style |
L |
W |
H |
1 side PIN(P數水IN distance) |
2 side PIN(PIN di為劇stance) |
Rounding |
PIN Trail |
EE25-01 |
vertical |
Ⅰ |
26.5 |
21.0 |
23.5 |
5 |
5.0 |
5 |
5.0 |
15.0 |
Φ0.6 |
EE25-02 |
horizontal type |
Ⅱ |
27.5 |
21.5 |
18.0 |
5 |
4.8 |
5 |
4.8 |
15.5 |
Φ0.6 |
The above is the co路兒mpany's commonly作我 used skeleton如從 style, other styles冷短 are not included in t習訊he list, welcome在大 to consult. The c見熱ompany can customize EE2去飛5 high frequency Tran作是sformers of various 金放specifications accordi工紅ng to custom門問er requirements.
II. EE25 Hig厭吃h frequency Tr們你ansformer perfor著技mance
1. Operating frequency:見雨 20 kHz-300 KHz
2. Output power: 5 t能鐵o 35 W
3. Operating tempera議作ture: -40 °C to +12愛刀5 °C
4. Storage temperatur有服e: -25 °C to +85 °C
5. Storage hu還話midity: 30 to 95 %
III. Features of EE25 h站還igh frequency Trans你刀formers
EE25 high-fre光照quency Transfo朋吧rmer has the charac討行teristics of sm頻農all size, cheap, high r音年eliability. The E厭中E Transformer is a b光市asic ferrite core 問亮with stable 小國performance, l票大ow cost and large curre放火nt. It is wid制我ely used in power 風女conversion and circ校風uit filtering. Volum那技e from small to分個 large, to meet t街快he needs of various分醫 application 亮秒circuits. For exam一我ple, using a t是東emperature-resi去科stant 155 °C or&好月nbsp;180 °C po到是lyazepam paint enve又麗lope, it can meet d但還ifferent temperature co光商nditions and is suitable購個 for various sw書自itching power suppl制內ies and inverters, UP子見S, etc..
IV. Application 都唱of EE25 high fre在照quency Transformer這會
EE25 high-freq國文uency Transformers are o話麗ften used in DC-DC 匠還converters, drive Tr什懂ansformers, and離在 mobile equipment Transf在來ormers.
V. EE25 high frequenc空呢y Transformer price
The price range of E生關E25 high-frequency Tr可嗎ansformers is genera放物lly between 2.1 通林and 3.3 yuan知生(RMB). The price愛呢 mainly depends on the白如 complexity of 事遠the product, th電日e customer's農水 requirements fo遠和r raw materials, and wh離藍ether or not i都唱t requires sa站高fety certific門不ation.