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High frequency trans現們former series
Magnetic rin年少g
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Low frequency 上來power transformer
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E-mail: fengcl@12明綠
product name:白見ETD44
Product introduction樂算:
I. EDD 44 hi為日gh frequency Transf公路ormer size exterior短站 map(in mm)
Trade name |
Type |
Skeleton Sty文門le |
L |
W |
H |
1 side PIN(P工校IN distance) |
2 side PIN(P男動IN distance) |
Rounding |
PIN Trail |
ETD44-01 |
vertical |
Ⅰ |
47.0 |
34.5 |
52.0 |
9 |
5.0 |
9 |
5.0 |
27.5 |
Φ1.0 |
ETD44-02 |
horizontal type |
Ⅱ |
50.0 |
52.5 |
40.5 |
9 |
5.0 |
9 |
5.0 |
36.5 |
Φ1.0 |
The above is th多動e company's com少長monly used skeleton styl到離e, other styles 司歌are not included in t報拍he list, welcom件能e to consult. The 和但company can be c能跳ustomized acc司不ording to custom藍日er requirements ETD 44內東 high frequency Transfo的哥rmers.
II.EDD 44 High freq鄉風uency Transformer perf又銀ormance
1. Operating freque雨白ncy: 50kHz-500KHz
2. Output po飛但wer: 20 to 800費森 W
3. Operating temperature市輛: -40 °C to +1章又25 °C
4. Storage temp行冷erature: -25 °C to +85船費 °C
5. Storage humidity:雜又 30 to 95 %
III. Characteristics吃服 of HF Transfo慢黃rmers
The EDD 44 high-熱玩frequency Transformer 木離has the characterist農那ics of convenient windin器快g, moderate pric業黃e and high rel分場iability. ETD-ty好學pe Transformer朋人 is a basic ferrite c服場ore with low 你看loss, large output po房東wer, wide oper河機ating frequency,民見 low tempera信能ture rise, and s雪習table performance.和銀 They are widely used in湖暗 switching powe新場r supplies and a varie訊筆ty of electronic lines.知話 The oscillation met們暗hods include full bridg謝空es, half-bridges, sin也日gle-ended, r道討esonant, Push-P事裡ull lines, etc.. They懂通 have excellen為照t material properties 新喝and cylindrical cent民近er columns of ETD magne山裡tic cores. It is easi你農er to winding and increa什匠ses the cross-sect朋白ional area of the w很老inding, which can inc場兒rease the output powe不房r and is suitabl音他e for various switch見哥ing power supplies a高樹nd inverters, U舞家PS, etc..
IV. Application of ETD海多 44 High Freque請短ncy Transformer
EDD 44 high-frequency Tr答下ansformers are co討裡mmonly used in PC 你影power Transform錯吃ers, LLC power Tran放妹sformers, commu玩鐘nication power Transfo見睡rmers, and industri水西al converters.她金
V. EDD 44 High Frequenc讀地y Transformer Price
The price range o懂近f the EDD 44 high-freq能大uency Transformer is ge上員nerally between信技 8.5 and 15.5樹他 yuan(RMB). T也司he price mainly de亮微pends on the process學暗 complexity of th了爸e product, the愛從 customer's requirem看物ents for raw materi秒在als, and whether it req北這uires safety cer師近tification.